Wanderlust Wish list 2018

In recent weeks my Wanderlust has returned in full force.  It’s always there, bubbling under the surface, like a dormant volcano ready to erupt at any given opportunity.

In line with the recent arrival of spring here in the UK, my aching for warm sunny beaches and uncharted adventures has arisen.

Due to this, I felt it was time to indulge my Wanderlust and share my new Wanderlust Wish list for 2018. … More Wanderlust Wish list 2018

What would I change?

Whilst playing squash this morning, my opponent and I got into an in depth conversation regarding schooling and the choices we had made in life.

A pretty in depth conversation, for two guys who had just played a very competitive game at 7am on a Wednesday morning, before work!

I think it all stemmed from slight exhaustion, followed by the fact he is a teacher and I have recently changed careers myself. … More What would I change?